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The Rumbling Room… By Sneha Reddy M, Class 6A

From somewhere within the depths of the house, not very far from the room in which I was, there was a noise. It was a faint noise, and, strain my ears as I might, I could not make out exactly what it was. It was a sound like a regular yet intermittent bump or rumble. Nothing else happened. There were no footsteps, no creaking floorboards, the air was absolutely still, the wind did not moan through the windowpane. Only the muffled noise went on and my dog, Spider, continued to stand, bristling at the door, now putting her head at the gap on the bottom and snuffling around, now taking a pace backwards, head cocked and like me, listening. Every now and then, she growled again.

After sometime, the rumbling stopped and the wind started to blow again. I checked outside to see Spider racing against the wind. Spider – a magnificent Labrador whom I had since I was a little child. I called Spider to come in for food but the cheeky dog did not listen. I went to go fetch her and, on my way, I passed the rumbling room from which strange noises occurred. Spider was not outside when I went. A shiver ran through my spine, “Spider! Come here girl! Spider!” I called out frightened but no answer came. The last glimpse, I saw was Spider entering the rumbling room and the door closed. My vision blurred as I started to cry for my dog- a beautiful and friendly companion.

I slept through the silent night without her gentle paws beside me. I was too scared to go in, and I was not brave like Spider. But the next morning, I stood near the door of the rumbling room, ready to face my fear.

“Spider, are you in there?” I questioned the room. ‘Woof’ came out a sharp yet sorrowful bark. When I heard that, my eyes welled up with happy tears. I opened the door. It creaked. But when I saw in, Spider wasn’t there! I step inside. I heard my heart beat vigorously. The last thing I remember is the door locking me in with a loud ‘THUD’ I never found out why there was rumbling or my dog…